211. The SI unit of Pressure is:
  A.  Pascal
  B.  Newton
  C.  Joule
  D.  mole
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212. Railway tracks are laid on large sized wooden sleepers because:
  A.  Wood does not get heated up due to movement of train
  B.  the thrust due to weight of train is spread over a large areas
  C.  wood absorbs all heat produced on the track
  D.  wood can maintain the tracks properly
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213. Atmospheric pressure _____________________ with altitude.
  A.  increases
  B.  first increases then decreases
  C.  decreases
  D.  first decreases then increases
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214. Atmospheric pressure is measured by:
  A.  Hygrometer
  B.  Bolometer
  C.  Barometer
  D.  Manometer
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215. Sudden fall in barometric reading is the indication of:
  A.  Strom
  B.  Rain
  C.  Drought
  D.  Deluge
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216. Slow fall in barometric reading is the indication of:
  A.  Clear weather
  B.  Cloudy weather
  C.  Cloud burst
  D.  Rain
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217. Slow rise in the barometric reading is the indication of :
  A.  Clear weather
  B.  Cyclone
  C.  Deluge
  D.  Cloudy weather
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218. In a static liquid at the same horizontal level, pressure is _______________ at all points.
  A.  same
  B.  different
  C.  Low
  D.  High
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219. Pressure at a point in a static liquid has the __________ value in all directions.
  A.  High
  B.  same
  C.  Low
  D.  Neutral
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220. Pressure at a point in a liquid is ____________ to the depth of the point from the free surface.
  A.  more
  B.  less
  C.  inversely proportional
  D.  proportional
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