101. Edward Jenner is associated with
  A.  Cholera
  B.  Small Pox
  C.  Paralysis
  D.  Typhoid
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102. A plant with compund leaves is
  A.  Coconut
  B.  Papaya
  C.  Peepal
  D.  Hibiscus
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103. The scientist whol explained about blood circulation for the first tie was:
  A.  Antonyvan Leewen Hock
  B.  Ronald Ross
  C.  Gregaor Mendel
  D.  William Harvey
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104. Which one of the following is not a digestive enzyme?
  A.  Pepsin
  B.  Renin
  C.  Insulin
  D.  Amylopsin
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105. The 'Theory of Evolution'was put forward by:
  A.  Louis Pasteur
  B.  Charles Darwin
  C.  Gregor Mendel
  D.  Aristotle
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106. In a human body, the longest bone is :
  A.  Vertebral column
  B.  Arm
  C.  Thigh
  D.  Rib cage
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107. Hay fever is a sign of:
  A.  malnutyrition
  B.  over work
  C.  old age
  D.  allergy
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108. Which of the following foodcrops has the maximum content of proteins?
  A.  Cassava
  B.  Soyabean
  C.  Wheat
  D.  Maize
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109. Where did the new form of pneumonia "SARS: start?
  A.  China
  B.  Singapore
  C.  Canada
  D.  Thailand
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110. Which vitamin helps in blood coagulation?
  A.  Vitamin A
  B.  Vitamin C
  C.  Vitamin K
  D.  Vitamin E
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