111. A substance that stimulates the production of antibodies when introduced into aliving organism is known as-
  A.  Carcinogen
  B.  Androgen
  C.  Oestrogen
  D.  Antigen
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112. At very high altitude, the Red Blood Corpuscles in the human body will:
  A.  Increase in number
  B.  Decrease in size
  C.  Increase in size
  D.  Decrease in number
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113. EEG us used to detect the functioning of
  A.  Lungs
  B.  Heart
  C.  Kidney
  D.  Brain
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114. Taenia solium (Tape Worm) lives as a parasite in
  A.  Intestine of man/woman
  B.  Abdomen of man/woman
  C.  Pit
  D.  Liver of man/woman
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115. In which of the following generally hormone is not found
  A.  Rat
  B.  Monkey
  C.  Cat
  D.  Bacteria
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116. Thalassemia is a heriditary disease. It affects
  A.  Blood
  B.  Spleen
  C.  Lungs
  D.  Heart
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117. Two riches known sources of edible protein are
  A.  Meat and eggs
  B.  Soyabean and groundnut
  C.  Milk and vegetables
  D.  Some type of algae and other micro-organisms
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118. Which from the following disease usually spreads through milk?
  A.  Cholera
  B.  Jaundice
  C.  Diphtheria
  D.  Tuberculosis
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119. Development of an egg without ferti9lization is called
  A.  Gametogenesis
  B.  Ocogenesis
  C.  Parthenogenesis
  D.  Metamorphosis
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120. Bleeding of gums and loosening of teeth is caused due to deficiency of
  A.  Vitamin A
  B.  Vitamin B
  C.  Vitamin C
  D.  Vitamin D
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