371. The highest concentration of urea is found in
  A.  Hepatic portal vein
  B.  Dorsal aorta
  C.  Renal Vein
  D.  Hepatic vein
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372. The tree popularly knwon as 'Green Gold', but which is an ecological disaster, is
  A.  Banyan
  B.  Peepal
  C.  Eucalyptus
  D.  None of these
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373. Why is Rann of Kutch of India famous for?
  A.  Fertile soil
  B.  Tidal and flats
  C.  Dense Vegetation
  D.  All are correct
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374. Which mosquito is the carrier of Zika Virus?
  A.  Aedes
  B.  Culex
  C.  Anopheles
  D.  Culiseta
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375. Root cap is derived form
  A.  Dermatogen
  B.  Protoderm
  C.  Calyptrogen
  D.  Histogen
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376. Magnesium is a constituent metal of
  A.  Chlorophyll molecule
  B.  DNA
  C.  Mitochondria
  D.  Ribosomes
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377. Polyploid arises due to change in the
  A.  Number of chromatids
  B.  Number of chromosomes
  C.  Structure of genes
  D.  Structure of chromosomes
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378. The largest artery in human body is
  A.  Pulmonary Vein
  B.  Capillary
  C.  Vena Cava
  D.  Aorta
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379. Smooth muscles are liekly to found in
  A.  Muscles of legs
  B.  Muscles of arms
  C.  Stomach
  D.  Heart
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380. What does the term 'Ebola' stand for?
  A.  A viral disease outbreak in West Africa
  B.  A viral disease outbreak in Bangladesh
  C.  A city in Syria destroyed by ISIS
  D.  None of these
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