361. The pulses are obtained from he family:
  A.  Leguminosae
  B.  Liliaceae
  C.  Cycadaceae
  D.  Fungi
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362. Alfa toxins are produced by
  A.  Bacteria
  B.  Fungi
  C.  Viruses
  D.  Algae
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363. Tachycardia is a condition cyharacterized by
  A.  heart-rate decreases form the normal
  B.  heart rate increases from the normal
  C.  heart beat stops
  D.  heart fails to pump
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364. Oxyntic cell is meant for the secretion of
  A.  Hydrochloric acid
  B.  Enterokinase
  C.  Pepsin
  D.  Lactic acid
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365. In BCG vaccine the word C stands for:
  A.  Cough
  B.  Calmette
  C.  Chlorine
  D.  Cadmium
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366. First human heart transplant was performed in
  A.  1967
  B.  1955
  C.  1972
  D.  1959
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367. What is the Kyoto Protocol?
  A.  It is an agreement among countries to take steps for reducing acid rain
  B.  It is an agreement among countries to take steps for planting trees to control pollution
  C.  It is an agreement among countries to start using nuclear energy
  D.  It is an agreement among countries to take steps for reducing global warming
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368. BOD stands for
  A.  Biological oxidation demand
  B.  Biological oxygen demand
  C.  Biochemical oxygen demand
  D.  Biotic oxidation demand
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369. Approximate number of skeletal muscles is:
  A.  500
  B.  700
  C.  200
  D.  206
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370. 'Gynecomastia" is
  A.  Developemnt of breasts in males
  B.  increased heigh in females
  C.  Developemnt o an extra finger in females
  D.  Development of hair on ears in males
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