181. Goitre is caused by the deficiency of
  A.  Chlorine
  B.  Iodine
  C.  Sodium
  D.  Calcium
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182. The total number of biosphere reserves present in India are
  A.  Eleven
  B.  Ten
  C.  Eighteen
  D.  Twelve
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183. The nomal body temperature of human beings is:
  A.  96.4 °F
  B.  97.4 °F
  C.  99.4 °F
  D.  98.4 °F
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184. Columba livia is the scientific name of
  A.  Pigeon
  B.  Snake
  C.  Rabbit
  D.  Shark
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185. Wisdom teeth is the
  A.  1st molar teeth
  B.  2nd molar teeth
  C.  3rd molar teeth
  D.  4th molar teeth
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186. Besides ear ossicles, the cavity of the middle ear in humans contains
  A.  Endolymph
  B.  Air
  C.  Perilymph
  D.  Otoconia
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187. The percentage of water content in the human blood plasma normally varies from
  A.  60-64
  B.  70-75
  C.  80-82
  D.  91-92
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188. "Sodium Pump" operates in
  A.  Muscle contraction
  B.  Heart beat
  C.  Nerve impulse
  D.  None of the above
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189. The best method of disposal garbage is
  A.  Land filling
  B.  Incineration
  C.  Vermiculture
  D.  Burning
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190. Free-living nitrogen fixing micro-organism are
  A.  Soil fungi
  B.  Rhizobia
  C.  Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza
  D.  Blue green algae
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