251. All are protozoan diseases except
  A.  Sleeping sickness
  B.  Oriental sores
  C.  Elephantiasis
  D.  Kala-azar
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252. Transfer of genetic information from one generation to the next generationis by
  A.  RNA
  B.  Codon
  C.  Messenger RNA
  D.  DNA
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253. The largest invertebrate is a/an:
  A.  Molluse
  B.  Sponge
  C.  Arthropod
  D.  Echinoderm
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254. Which of the following is a monogenetic parasite?
  A.  Hydra
  B.  Ascaris
  C.  Fasciola
  D.  Earthworm
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255. Which of the following acids is synthesized in human stomach?
  A.  Sulphuric Acid
  B.  Nitric acid
  C.  Phosphoric acid
  D.  Hydrochloric acid
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256. Typhoid fever is caused by
  A.  Bacterium
  B.  Protozoa
  C.  Fungi
  D.  Virus
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257. Which of the follooiwng is not an endocrine gland?
  A.  Pituitary
  B.  Thyroid
  C.  Spleen
  D.  Adernal
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258. Grey hair is caused due to
  A.  Aging of epidermal cells
  B.  Loss of melanin in epidermal cells
  C.  Loss of sebum in epidermal cells
  D.  Death of dermal cells
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259. The maximum biological damage is produced by
  A.  X-rays
  B.  Alpha rays
  C.  beta rays
  D.  gamma -Rays
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260. An eardrum is absent in
  A.  Tuatara
  B.  Turtles
  C.  Snakes
  D.  Toads
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