191. Vegetables oils are converted into solid fat(ghee) by
  A.  Hydrolysis
  B.  Addition of agar
  C.  Hydrogenation
  D.  Oxidation using air and a catalyst
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192. Which of the following is not a gland?
  A.  Thyroid
  B.  Pancreas
  C.  Liver
  D.  Stomach
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193. Which of these fruits develop from an inflorescence?
  A.  Pineaaple
  B.  Guava
  C.  Apple
  D.  Grape
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194. The red blood cells are produced by the
  A.  Liver
  B.  Bone-marrow
  C.  Hormones
  D.  Heart
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195. The part of the flower that can carry out photosynthesis is
  A.  Androecium
  B.  Gynoecium
  C.  Corolla
  D.  Calyx
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196. The membrane covering the lungs is a
  A.  Pleura
  B.  Pericardium
  C.  Peritoneum
  D.  Mesothelium
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197. Entamoeba histolytica is a parasite found in man's
  A.  Liver
  B.  Lungs
  C.  Intestines
  D.  Kidneys
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198. An adult human normally has
  A.  6 molar teeth
  B.  12 molar teeth
  C.  10 molar teeth
  D.  8 molar teeth
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199. In test-tube babies, the
  A.  Ovum is fertilized and developed in test-tubes
  B.  Ovum is developed without fertilization in test-tubes
  C.  Ovum is fertilized in the uterus and developed in test-tubes
  D.  Ovum is fertilized in the test-tubes and developed in uterus
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200. Genes, the hereditary units, are located in the
  A.  Nuclear membrane
  B.  Lysosomes
  C.  Chromosomes
  D.  Cell membrane
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