321. the kidney shaped guard cells are present in
  A.  Dicot plants
  B.  Monocot plants
  C.  Both the above
  D.  Algae
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322. Dumb-bell shaped guard cells are present in
  A.  Groundnut
  B.  Wheat
  C.  Wheat
  D.  Mango
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323. Thalassemia is an example of
  A.  Deletion mutation
  B.  Point mutation
  C.  Frame shift mutation
  D.  Silent mutation
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324. Eutrophication of a water body enhances
  A.  Organic matter production
  B.  Biological oxygen demand
  C.  Both 1 and 2
  D.  Neither 1 nor 2
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325. what is farming along with animal husbandry called ?
  A.  Mixed farming
  B.  Mixed agriculture
  C.  Dairy farming
  D.  Truck farming
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326. The plant from which cocoa and chocolate are obtained is a
  A.  Herb
  B.  Shrub
  C.  Very big tree
  D.  Small tree
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327. The biggest single celled organism is
  A.  Amoeba
  B.  Acetabularia
  C.  Acetobacter
  D.  Yeast
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328. "Kelp" is
  A.  Sea weed rich in iodine content
  B.  Partially decomposed vergetation
  C.  Sulphide mineral of iron
  D.  An aluminium silicate mineral
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329. Barr body is found in
  A.  Sperm
  B.  Female somatic cells
  C.  Sertoli cells
  D.  Male somatic cells
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330. One of the best solutions to get rid of non-biodegradable wastes is:
  A.  Bruning
  B.  Dumping
  C.  Burying
  D.  Recycling
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