351. Companion cells of phloem are found in
  A.  Gymnosperms
  B.  Angiosperms
  C.  Pteridophyta
  D.  Bryophyta
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352. What does the word 'amphibian' means
  A.  Two lives
  B.  Four lives
  C.  Three lives
  D.  One live
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353. Red rot of sugarcane is caused by
  A.  Alternaria alternata
  B.  Cercospora personata
  C.  Phylophthora infestans
  D.  Colletotrichum falcatum
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354. The colour of the carrots is due to the presence of
  A.  Phycocyanin
  B.  Chlorophyll
  C.  Carotene
  D.  Phycoerythirn
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355. Molybdenum deficiency affects the activity of:
  A.  All of the given options
  B.  Nitrate Reductase
  C.  Nitrogenase
  D.  Chlorate reductase
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356. An enzyme produced by HIV that allows the integration of HIV DNA into the host cells' DNA is:
  A.  Ligase
  B.  Helicase
  C.  Integrase
  D.  DNA gyrase
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357. Which of the following plant shows chloroplast dimorphism?
  A.  Sugar beet
  B.  Rice
  C.  Wheat
  D.  Sugarcane
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358. The gene which exhibites multiple effects is known as:
  A.  Pseudogene
  B.  Pleiotropic
  C.  Complementary
  D.  Polygene
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359. The metal ion present in vitamins B 12 is:
  A.  Cobalt
  B.  Zinc
  C.  Nickel
  D.  Iron
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360. Microbial degradation of nitrates into atmospheric nitrogen is knwon as;
  A.  Ammonification
  B.  Nitrification
  C.  Denitrification
  D.  Putrefaction
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