61. Which of the following is known as Vitamin B1?
  A.  Retinol
  B.  Thiamin
  C.  Riboflavin
  D.  Ascorbic Acid
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62. Which of the following is true?
  A.  DNA is the genetic material in most of the organism
  B.  RNA is the genetic material in most viruses and bacteria
  C.  DNA is the genetic material in all the ciruses
  D.  RNA is the genetic material in all the viruses
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63. Pathogenic bacteria secrete
  A.  Interferons
  B.  Antibodies
  C.  Hormones
  D.  Antigens
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64. Where is the Botanical Survey of India headquartered?
  A.  Lucknow
  B.  Darjelling
  C.  Kolkata
  D.  Oottaccamund
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65. Who amongst the following was awarded Noble Prize for path breaking contributions to develop treatment against Parkinson's disease?
  A.  Walter Kohn
  B.  Arvid Carlsson
  C.  Rober B. Laughlin
  D.  Ferid Murad
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66. Which of the following food items is rich in Iron?
  A.  Rice
  B.  Pulses
  C.  Apple
  D.  Orange
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67. Who discovered Cholera germs?
  A.  Hansen
  B.  Rene Laennec
  C.  Dreser
  D.  Robert Koch
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68. Sweetex used by the diabetic patients has energy content of:
  A.  Five calories
  B.  Zero calories
  C.  Hundred calories
  D.  Ten calories
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69. The eleent which is the most abundant in the human body is:
  A.  Oxygen
  B.  Carbon
  C.  Iron
  D.  Nitrogen
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70. Oxygen liberated during photosynthesis is coming from:"
  A.  Carbon dioxide
  B.  Break down of chlorophy II
  C.  Water
  D.  Atmosphere
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