221. The first effective vaccine against polio was prepared by:
  A.  Jonas E. Salk
  B.  James Simpson
  C.  J. H. Gibbon
  D.  Robert Edwards
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222. The largest organ of human body is
  A.  Heart
  B.  Liver
  C.  Brain
  D.  Kidney
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223. 'Crop milk' is produced by
  A.  Crop
  B.  Birds
  C.  Mammals
  D.  All of the above
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224. Vector of Kala-azar is:
  A.  Sand fly
  B.  Culex mosquito
  C.  Tse-Tsefly
  D.  Anopheles mosquito
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225. Fat soulutble vitamins are
  A.  Tocopherol, Niacin, Cyanocobalamin
  B.  Calciferol, Carotene, Tocopherol
  C.  Ascorbic acid, Calciferol, Riboflavin
  D.  Thiamine, Carotene, Biotin
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226. The colour change in the Chameleon is due to the presence of
  A.  Chromatophore
  B.  Haemoglobin
  C.  Chlorophyll
  D.  Pneumatophore
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227. Heart attack occurs due to
  A.  Bacterial attack on the heart
  B.  Stopping of heart beat
  C.  Impairment of heart's working due to unknown reasons
  D.  Lack of supply of blood to the heart itself
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228. Biodegradable wastes can usually be converted into useful substances with the help of
  A.  Radioactive substances
  B.  Nuclear proteins
  C.  Bacteria
  D.  Viruses
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229. Functional unit of 'Kidney'
  A.  Axon
  B.  Nephron
  C.  Neuron
  D.  Artery
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230. The onion the edible part is
  A.  Leaf
  B.  Root
  C.  Stem
  D.  Flower
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