241. Plants which flower only once in their life time are known as
  A.  Polycarpic
  B.  Monocarpic
  C.  Monogamous
  D.  Monogeneric
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242. Blood fails to clot white flowing in the blood vessel because of the presence of
  A.  Haemoglobin
  B.  Prothrombin
  C.  Heparin
  D.  Hirudin
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243. Which of the flollowing amphibians lacks tongue?
  A.  Sphenodon
  B.  Salamander
  C.  Necturus
  D.  Ichthyophis
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244. Which one of the following organs convers glycogen into glucose and purifies the blood?
  A.  Liver
  B.  Kidney
  C.  Lungs
  D.  Spleen
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245. Minamata disease was caused due to
  A.  Lead
  B.  Cyanide
  C.  Mercury
  D.  Mehytyl isocyanate
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246. The most abundant enzyme in the living world is
  A.  Invertase
  B.  Rubisco
  C.  DNAse
  D.  Zymase
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247. RBCs do not perform aerobic respiration becasue these do not contain
  A.  Lysosomes
  B.  Nucleus
  C.  Endoplasmic Reticulum
  D.  Mitochondria
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248. DNA contains
  A.  Erythrose sugar
  B.  Hexose sugar
  C.  Pentose sugar
  D.  Secdoheptulose sugar
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249. Saprophytes are the organisms whihc depend for food on
  A.  dead and decaying materiral
  B.  living animals
  C.  living plants
  D.  inorganic chemical compounds
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250. Iodine solution is used to test the presence of
  A.  Sugar
  B.  Starch
  C.  Proteins
  D.  Fats
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