51. Anglo-Nubian is a breed of:
  A.  Sheep
  B.  Cattle
  C.  Poultry
  D.  Goat
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32. What kind of soil is treated with gypsum to make it suitable for cropping?
  A.  Water-logged
  B.  Acidic
  C.  Alkaline
  D.  Soil with excessive clay content
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53. Typhoid fever is caused by:
  A.  Virus
  B.  Bacteria
  C.  Fungus
  D.  Allergy
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54. Whic of the following blood group is a universal reciptient?
  A.  AB
  B.  B
  C.  A
  D.  O
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55. Rod shaped bacteria is called
  A.  Cocccus
  B.  Spirillum
  C.  Bacillus
  D.  Coma
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56. The animal which has become extnct recently in India happens to be:
  A.  Cheetah
  B.  Golden cat
  C.  Wooly wolf
  D.  Rhinoceros
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57. All the progeny obtained from a single plant by vegetative propagation are called:
  A.  Pure line
  B.  Clones
  C.  Indred line
  D.  Pedigree line
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58. What is a Sponge?
  A.  A fungus
  B.  A fossil
  C.  A plant
  D.  An animal
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59. Which of the following blood groups may be present in the children of a couple havig blood groups A and B, respectively?
  A.  A and B only
  B.  A, B and AB
  C.  A, B, AB and O
  D.  AB only
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60. Whic of the following diseases is caused by a virus?
  A.  Polimyletis
  B.  Malaria
  C.  Whooping cough
  D.  Ring worm
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