Directions (Questions 81 to 85): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Eight friends G, H, I, J, K, L, M and N are sitting around a square table. Person those sitting at corner faces inside the table and person those sitting at middle side of the table faces away from the centre. Each one of them works in different company namely TCS, Quato, Wipro, RIL, Zipso, Procast, Surewin and Vimta Labs. All the above information is not necessarily in the same order. Person name starts with consecutive alphabet does not sit next to each other. Three persons sit between H and the one who works in Surewin. The one who works in Quato sits third to the left of L. The one who works in TCS sits third to the left of I. N and the one who works in TCS are not immediate neighbours. I does not work in Wipro. M sits second to the right of the one who works in Zipso. J sits immediate left of M. H does not work in Zipso. G sits second to the left of J. As many persons sit between the one who works in Procast and the one who works in Vimta Labs sit between the one who works in RIL and the one who works in Procast. The one who works in Wipro sits third to the right of the one who works in Procast. N and H do not work in TCS. Only one person sits between N and the one who works in Surewin. K does not work in Vimta Labs.

81. How many persons sit between the one who works in RIL and the one who works in Surewin, when counted from left of G?
  A.  4
  B.  2
  C.  5
  D.  3
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72. If I is related to Zipso, M is related to RIL, in the same way J is related to which of the following?
  A.  RIL
  B.  Procast
  C.  Quato
  D.  Surewin
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73. Four of the following five are like in a certain way based on the above arrangement. Find which one does not belongs to the group?
  A.  M-TCS
  B.  L-Wipro
  C.  N-RIL
  D.  I-Quato
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74. Which of the following statement is true?
(i) Three persons sit between J and the one who works in Procast
(ii) I sits immediate right of the one who works in Surewin
(iii) H and the one who works in RIL are not immediate neighbours
(iv) I sits fourth to the right of the one who works in Zipso
  A.  Only (iv)
  B.  Only (iii)
  C.  Only (ii)
  D.  Only (i)
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Only (iv) statement is true.

75. Who are sitting at the corner of the table?
  A.  MJLH
  B.  GMJL
  C.  IMLK
  D.  LKNI
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Directions (Questions 86 to 90) : The following questions are based on the information given below:

14 men sits in two parallel rows in such a way that A, B, C, D, T, U and V sits in row 1 facing north and E, F, G, P, Q, R and S sits in row 2 facing south. Each man was born in different year viz. 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 and 1994. (Note: All calculations are done with respect to present year 2018 assuming date and moth of birth is same). All the information is not necessary in same order. C, who was neither born in 1984 nor in 1986, sits third to left of D whose age is 36 years. Neither C nor D sits at end of the row. G, who neither sits facing the one who was born in 1984 nor he was born in 1992, sits third to right of the one who was born in 1985. The one who was born in 1985 doesn’t sit facing the one who was born in 1982. One whose age is 35 year sits adjacent to one who was born in 1985. One who was born in 1994 neither sits at end of the row nor sits facing the one whose age is 28 years but sits adjacent to the one who sits facing C. S doesn’t sit facing B. At least three people sit between R and Q, whose age is 29 years. F, who was neither born in 1985 nor sits facing the one who was born in 1981 but sits third to left of one who was born in 1994. Only two men sit between S and the one born in 1986. The person born in 1986, neither sits facing the one who was born in 1990 nor sits facing B. One who was born in 1984 sits in row 1 but doesn’t sits facing the one whose age is 24 years but sits third to left of one who was born in 1987. The one who was born in 1987 doesn’t sit at end of the row. Only two men sit between the one whose age is 28 years and T, whose age is neither 31 years nor sits facing G. One who was born in 1980 sits adjacent to the one who sits facing R. R neither sits facing T nor he sits adjacent to one who was born in 1994. Only one person sits between the one who was born in 1989 and E, who was born in 1991. P and one whose age is 26 years sit together. V sits facing the one who sits adjacent of one whose age is 30 years.

86. Who sits third to right of one who was born in 1991?
  A.  D
  B.  B
  C.  V
  D.  A
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Man B is the correct answer.

87. What is the position of the one who was born in 1980 with respect to A?
  A.  Second to left
  B.   Fifth to left
  C.  Third to right
  D.  Can’t be determined
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Can’t be determined

78. What is the birth year of the one who sits second to right of one who sits facing B?
  A.  1994
  B.  1983
  C.  1986
  D.  1992
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89. Which of the following pair of person sits at end of the row 2?
  A.  R – S
  B.  P – G
  C.  R – P
  D.  Q – S
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R – S correct answer

100. What is the year of birth of C?
  A.  1987
  B.  1980
  C.  1990
  D.  1992
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