Directions (Questions 191 to 195): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W are sitting in a row. Some of them are facing north and some of them are facing south. Each one of them likes different fruits Lemon, Banana, Grapes, Apple, Kiwi, Mango, Cheery, and Apricot but not necessarily in the same order. Person name starts with consecutive alphabet does not sit next to each other. Three persons sit between P and the one who likes Mango. Either P or the one who likes Mango sits at one of the extreme ends. The one who likes Mango faces north. P sits left of the one who likes Mango. The one who likes Apple sits fourth to the right of Q. S and Q are not immediate neighbours. S does not like Mango. The one who likes Grapes sit immediate right of S. Q is facing north. The one who likes Grapes and the one who likes Mango are not immediate neighbours. Neither P nor Q likes Grapes. Q and the one who likes Grapes are not immediate neighbours. S and the one who likes Mango are not immediate neighbours. Q and R are facing same direction. The one who likes Apricot sits third to the left of R. S does not like Apricot. The one who likes Banana sits third to the left of T. The one who likes Cheery sits immediate left of U. Neither R nor P likes Cheery. As many persons sit between R and the one who likes Cheery sit between V and the one who likes Kiwi. V does not like Lemon. Persons are sitting at extreme end faces the same direction but opposite to U. At least two persons face south.

191. Which of the following person likes Lemon?
  A.  P
  B.  T
  C.  R
  D.  U
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T likes Lemon.

192. How many persons sit between U and the one who likes Kiwi?
  A.  Three
  B.  Two
  C.  One
  D.  Four
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Three persons sit between U and the one who likes Kiwi.

193. If P is related to Grapes, W is related to Cheery, in the same way T is related to which of the following?
  A.  Kiwi
  B.  Banana
  C.  Apricot
  D.  Mango
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T is related to Mango.

194. Which of the following person sits fourth to the left of third to the right of the one who likes Lemon?
  A.  Q
  B.  The one who likes Cheery
  C.  Both (A) and (B)
  D.  U
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Both (A) and (B)

195. Four of the following five are like in a certain way based on the above arrangement. Find which one does not belongs to the group?
  A.  W
  B.  U
  C.  The one who likes Grapes
  D.  The one who likes Banana
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U does not belongs to the group.

Directions (Questions 196 to 200) : The following questions are based on the information given below:

There are eight members in the family P to W and they are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them sit at corners of the square table, while four of them sit in the middle of each table. The one who sits at corner of the table faces centre while those who sit in the middle of the sides faces outside the table. Among eight members, four of them are males and remaining are females. There are three married couples. Q and her daughter are neighbors. Only one male sit in the corner and others sit in the middle of the table. R is the granddaughter of P. R and her paternal aunt face each other. P and Q face the same direction. U and V has no siblings. P sits third to the left of his son. S and V are immediate neighbors. U and her father-in-law are neighbors. T is the wife of V and both are immediate neighbors of each other. T faces inside the table. Neighbors of S are male members. V is the son-in-law of Q. W is son of V and sits second to the right of his father. There are three generations in a family.

196. Persons in which among the following pairs are the immediate neighbors of P?
  A.  QV
  B.  TU
  C.  RU
  D.  QW
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RU are the immediate neighbors of P.

197. How is W related to S?
  A.  Nephew
  B.  Sister
  C.  Brother
  D.  Cannot be determined
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198. Who among the following persons sits second to the right of U?
  A.  Q
  B.  R
  C.  W
  D.  T
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R sits second to the right of U.

199. Who among the following male members faces inside the table?
  A.  V’s brother-in-law
  B.  Q’s son-in-law
  C.  R’s Uncle
  D.  T’s brother-in-law
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V’s brother-in-law faces inside the table.

200. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
  A.  US
  B.  RT
  C.  TS
  D.  WQ
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TS does not belong to the group.

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