Directions (Questions 271 to 275): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

There are two parallel rows with a sitting capacity of six on each side but only five people are sitting in each row keeping one seat vacant in each row. In row- 1 , Robin, Rexon, Artin, Moni and Maanu are sitting and facing south. In row-2, Arthur, Rocky, Anne, Tinna and Rammy are sitting and facing north. All of them like a different fruit, ie Mango, Banana, Apple, Guava, Kiwi, Orange, Pear, Litchi, Berry and Cherry. • Rammy sits third to the right of Rocky and likes Guava. • Only two people sit between Arthur and the vacant seat. • Arthur does not like Kiwi or Apple. • Maanu is an immediate neighbour of Artin. • Rexon likes Cherry. The one who likes Apple faces the one who likes Litchi. • The one who likes Apple sits opposite the one who sits third right of the one who sits opposite Rammy. • Artin is not an immediate neighbour of Moni. • Tinna, who likes neither Kiwi nor Orange, does not face the vacant seat • Neither Rammy nor Rocky sits at the extreme ends. Moni faces Rocky. • Vacant seats are not opposite each other. • Two persons sit between Tinna and Anne. • The one who likes Berry faces the one who likes Guava. • The person who likes Mango and Litchi are adjacent to each other. • The vacant seat of row one is not adjacent to Moni. • Arthur sits at one of the extreme ends. • Rocky does not like Mango and Litchi. • The vacant seat of row one does not face Rammy and also it is not at the extreme ends. • Anne is an immediate neighbour of Rammy, who faces the person who likes Berry. • Rexon faces the vacant seat in row-2 and sits third to the right of Artin. • Artin likes Pear.

271. Who sits second to the right of the one who faces vacant seat of row one?
  A.  Rexon
  B.  Arthur
  C.  Maanu
  D.  Artin
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272. Which of the following fruits does Tinna like?
  A.  Apple
  B.  Kiwi
  C.  Banana
  D.  Guava
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273. Robin is related to the vacant seat of row 1 in the same way as Tinna is related to Anne. So the vacant seat of row two is related to who among the following?
  A.  Artin
  B.  Rammy
  C.  Rexon
  D.  Arthur
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274. Who sits diagonally opposite the one who likes Orange?
  A.  Robin
  B.  Moni
  C.  Maanu
  D.  Rexon
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275. Which of the following is true regarding Anne?
  A.  Rocky is sitting second to the right of Anne
  B.  Rammy is sitting second to the left of Anne
  C.  Anne is facing the vacant seat of row one
  D.  Anne faces Artin
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Anne is facing the vacant seat of row one

Directions (Questions 276 to 280) : The following questions are based on the information given below:

Ten friends sitting in a restaurant , five of them i.e. Amir, Vinita, Dinu, Raja and Reena are sitting in a row facing North and the other five friends Sita, Pammi, Annu, Ramya and Tillu are sitting in row facing south. Each friend in row is facing exactly one from the other row. One of them likes grapes. Sita sits opposite the friend who likes a banana and sits at one of the extremes. The friend who likes kiwi who is not Annu sits second to the right of Sita. Tillu sits exactly in the middle of Annu and the friend who likes a cherry who is not Sita. Vinita who does not sit at extreme end and likes an orange and sits opposite the friend who likes an apple. The one who likes pineapple sits opposite the friend who is to the immediate left of Vinita. The friend who likes a strawberry who is not Dinu sits opposite Ramya. Pammi does not sit at any of the extremes but sits opposite the friend who likes a guava, who is adjacent to Amir and the friend who likes a mango. Raja neither likes a guava nor likes a strawberry.

276. Who likes mango?
  A.  Tillu
  B.  Raja
  C.  Dinu
  D.  Amir
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277. Vinita is how many places away from the one who likes Banana?
  A.  One
  B.  Two
  C.  Four
  D.  Three
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278. If Tillu likes Guava, Pammi likes Banana then, who will like orange?
  A.  Annu
  B.  Reena
  C.  Ramya
  D.  Sita
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279. Who sits third to the left of the one who likes Guava?
  A.  Reena
  B.  Dinu
  C.  Amir
  D.  Raja
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280. Which one is not belong to the group?
  A.  Pine apple
  B.  Mango
  C.  Strawberry
  D.  Grapes
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