Directions (Questions 141 to 145): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Eight persons Priti, Qasim, Ravi, Suri, Tej, Uvi, Veer and Waqar are sitting in a square table such that four of them are sitting at the corners and remaining are sitting at the middle of the each side. The persons who are sitting at the corners are facing towards centre of the table and the persons who are sitting at the middle of the sides are facing away from the centre of the table. Ravi sits third to the left of Tej, who does not sit at one of the middle side of the table. Only one person sits between Ravi and Priti (Either from right or left).Qasim sits second to the left of Uvi and not an immediate neighbour of Ravi. Waqar sits opposite to Suri, who is not an immediate neighbour of Priti. More than one persons sit between Waqar and Ravi (Either from left or right).

141. Who among the following persons sits third to the right of the one who sits to the immediate left of Qasim?
  A.  Suri
  B.  Ravi
  C.  Qasim
  D.  Priti
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Ravi is correct ans

142. How many persons are sitting between Priti and Tej, when counted from left of Tej?
  A.  Two
  B.  One
  C.  Four
  D.  Three
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Four is correct.

143. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which one of the following that does not belong to the group?
  A.  Ravi
  B.  Priti
  C.  Uvi
  D.  Veer
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Veer is correct.

144. If Ravi is related to Qasim and Uvi is related to Priti in a certain way. Then, Veer is related to which of the following?
  A.  Tej
  B.  Suri
  C.  Ravi
  D.  Waqar
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Tej is correct ans

145. Which of the following statements is true?
(i) Uvi sits second to the right of Ravi
(ii) Veer sits at one of the corners
(iii) Priti sits opposite to Tej
(iv) Waqar faces outside from the centre
  A.  (i)
  B.  (iii)
  C.  (ii)
  D.  (iv)
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Statement (ii) is correct.

Directions (Questions 146 to 150) : The following questions are based on the information given below:

A certain number of people sitting in the linear row facing north. Only three people sit between Ajay and Raj. Only four people sit between Kia and Wix. Only five people sit between Raj and Kia.Tez sits third to the right of Wix. Only six people sit between Raj and Yak. Not more than three people sit between Kia and Yak. More than four people are between Tez and Yak. Qin sits third to the right of Yak. None of them sits between Qin and Wix.Jam sits eighth to the left of Kia. Not more than three persons sit between Ajay and Jam.

146. How many people are sitting in the linear row?
  A.  Twenty
  B.  Nineteen
  C.  Twenty One
  D.  Twenty Two
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Nineteen is the correct answer.

147. How many people sits between Ajay and Jam?
  A.  Seven
  B.  Three
  C.  Ten
  D.  One
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One is correct

148. If three people sits between Wix and Hemu, then which of the following statement is definitely true?
(i) Three people sit between Tez and Hemu.
(ii) Wix sits fourth to the right of Hemu.
(iii) More than six people sit between Qin and Hemu.
(iv) More than five people sit between Yak and Hemu.
  A.  (i)
  B.  (ii)
  C.  (iv)
  D.  (iii)
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Option (iv) is correct

149. How many people sits between Yak and Wix?
  A.  Three
  B.  Sixteen
  C.  Ten
  D.  Eight
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Three is correct.

150. How many people sit to the left of Kia?
  A.  Eight
  B.  Ten
  C.  Sixteen
  D.  Thirteen
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Ten is correct.

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