Directions (Questions 101 to 105): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

A certain number of persons sit in a row adjacent to each other facing south. Three person sits between K and P, who doesn’t sit adjacent to M. Four person sits between L and F, who doesn’t sit at either end. W sits exactly between P and K. D sits third from end of the row. M sits third to right of D. P sits adjacent to S, who doesn’t sit adjacent to W. Five person sits between S and A, who doesn’t sit adjacent to D. Three person sits between A and L, who sits adjacent to M. At least five person sits between L and Z, who neither sits adjacent to F nor sits at end of the row. Neither K nor P sits at end of the row. At most four person sits right of W. Z sits third to left of V.

101. How many person sits left of A?
  A.  10
  B.  7
  C.  12
  D.  9
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10 persons.

102. If H sits fourth to left of W, then how many person sits between H and M?
  A.  6
  B.  3
  C.  1
  D.  4
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3 persons.

103. Who sits fourth to left of S?
  A.  W
  B.  L
  C.  None
  D.  Z
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None sits fourth to the left of S.

104. Who sits adjacent to D?
  A.  K
  B.  L
  C.  F
  D.  A
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F sits adjacent to D.

105. What is the position of V with respect to Z?
  A.  Third from Left of Z
  B.  Second from Right of Z
  C.  Fourth from Left of Z
  D.  First from Right of Z
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Third from Left of Z

Directions (Questions 106 to 110) : The following questions are based on the information given below:

There are eight persons namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting in a circular table in such a way that some are facing centre while other sits facing outward. Also they were made to sit in straight line, the person facing centre sits facing north and the person facing outward sits facing south. Each person likes different vegetable viz. Tomato, Cabbage, Potato, Radish, Turnip, Peas, Beans and Brinjal. All the information is not necessary in same order. Two people sit between W and R in the circular table. U sits third from right end in the straight line. The one, who likes Radish, sits second to right of the one, who like Potato in the circular table. V sits immediate left of R, who neither likes Potato nor does he like Turnip in the circular table. The one who likes Turnip sits fourth to right of Q, who sits facing south in the straight line. W sits immediate right of U in the circular table. S and W doesn’t sit together neither in the circular table nor in the straight line. Two person sits between W and U in the straight line. The one who likes Potato sits immediate left of U, who likes Cabbage in the straight line. T neither likes Peas nor does he likes Brinjal. R, who doesn’t like Potato, sits second to right of the one who likes Turnip in the straight line. V, who likes Tomato, sits third to left of the one who likes Potato in the straight line. Two people sit between sits between the one, who likes Radish and the one, who likes Beans in the straight line. The one who likes Peas sits facing W in the circular table. S sits third to left of the one who likes Tomato in the circular table. The one who likes Beans doesn’t sit at either end but sits facing centre in the circular table. P sits second to right of right of the one who likes Turnip in the circular table. S sits third to left of the one who likes Brinjal in the straight line. The one who likes Beans sits third to left of the one who likes Brinjal in the circular table. The one who likes Peas doesn’t sit adjacent to the one who likes Brinjal in the straight line.

106. How many people sit between the one, who likes Brinjal and the one, who likes Radish, when counted right of the one who likes Radish in the circular table?
  A.  3
  B.  5
  C.  1
  D.  2
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2 people sit.

107. What is the position of the one, who likes Potato with respect to the one, who likes Peas in the straight line?
  A.  Second to right
  B.  Immediate left
  C.  Third to left
  D.  Immediate right
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Second to right.

108. Which of the following statement is not true?
(i) The one, who likes Potato sits third to right of the one who likes Turnip in the circular table.
(ii) The one who likes Beans sits immediate right of the one Potato in the straight line.
(iii) The one who likes Tomato sits immediate left of the one who likes Radish in the straight line.
(iv) The one who likes Turnip sits second to left of T in the straight line.
  A.  Statement (iii)
  B.  Statement (ii)
  C.  Statement (iv)
  D.  Statement (i)
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The one who likes Tomato sits immediate left of the one who likes Radish in the straight line.

109. Which of the pair doesn’t face in same direction?
  A.  Radish – Beans
  B.  Brinjal – Cabbage
  C.  Peas – Turnip
  D.  Potato – Tomato
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Brinjal – Cabbage

110. Who is sitting opposite to U?
  A.  S
  B.  V
  C.  Q
  D.  R
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R is opp. to U.

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