Directions (Questions 81 to 85): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Seven persons Hira, Sam, Uday, Amir, Ivan, Kiran and Tina are sitting in a north facing row. They are different in heights varies between 150 cm -158 cm but not necessarily in the same order. The distance between two successive people is an integral multiple of 5. And the distance between two Successive people increased from left to right. The Distance between any two successive people should not be greater than 55 m and less than 15 m. The Fifth Tallest person sits third to the right of Hira. Ivan sits 55 m away from Hira. Three people sit between Ivan and Tina. Tina sits immediate right of the one who is the fifth shortest person in the group. The one who’s height is 156 cm sits 120 m away from the one whose height is 155 cm. Kiran sits exactly between Ivan and Hira. The number of person sits left of Kiran is one less than that of the number of person sits right of Sam. Ivan and Amir are not immediate neighbours. Sam is two centimetres taller than Hira. Kiran is not the shortest person in the group. The one who is tallest person moves 20m north direction and took a right turn and walk for 85 m. Then he took right turn and walk 15 m. Finally, he moved 38 m in East direction and stopped at point A. Uday moves 25 m in south direction and took the left turn and walk for 30 m, again he took left turn and walk for 15 m and finally he took right turn and walk for 28 m and stopped at point B.

81. What is the total distance between point A and point B?
  A.  15 m
  B.  25 m
  C.  10 m
  D.  20 m
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15 m

82. Who sits second to the left one who is youngest person in the group?
  A.  The one who is immediate left of Uday
  B.  The one who is 155 cm height
  C.  Both (A) and (B)
  D.  The one who is fourth shortest person
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The one who is fourth shortest person

83. If Amir moves 10 m in south direction, then what is the total distance between Amir and Uday?
  A.  17 m
  B.  25 m
  C.  27 m
  D.  30 m
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27 m

84. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?
(i) The total distance between Hira and Ivan is 55 m.
(ii) Hira is second shortest person.
(iii) Tina sits at extreme left end of the row
  A.  Only (i)
  B.  All (i), (ii) and (iii)
  C.  Only (iii)
  D.  Only (i) and (ii)
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Only i and ii

85. Who sits third to the left of the one who is immediate right of Sam
  A.  Ivan
  B.  Kiran
  C.  Hira
  D.  Amir
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Directions (Questions 86 to 90) : The following questions are based on the information given below:

Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a triangular table, such that three of them sitting at the corners of the table and three are sitting at middle of the each side. The persons who are sitting at the corners are facing outside the centre and the persons who are sitting at middle of the sides are facing the centre of the table. Each person likes different car manufacturing company namely – Tata Motors, Maruti, Hyundai, Volkswagen, Ford and BMW. All the information is not necessary to be in the same order. E likes Maruti and sits second to right of the one who like Ford. D doesn’t faces opposite to the center. C sits immediate left of the one who like Volkswagen. B and D are not immediate neighbors. The one who like Tata Motors sits Second to the right of B. F doesn’t like Volkswagen. Two people sit between the one who like Volkswagen and the one who like Hyundai. Two People sits between A and the one who like BMW. The one who likes Hyundai sits second to the right of the one who like BMW.

86. What is the position of B with respect to the one who likes Volkswagen?
  A.  Third to the left
  B.  Third to the right
  C.  Either (a) or (b)
  D.  Immediate Right
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Either (a) or (b)

87. Who among the following are immediate neighbors of E?
  A.  The one who sits second to the right of F and the one who like Ford
  B.   The one who sits opposite to A and the one who like Volkswagen
  C.  The one who like BMW and the one who sits opposite to D
  D.  F and C
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The one who like BMW and the one who sits opposite to D

88. Who sits second to the right of the one who like Hyundai?
  A.  The one who likes BMW
  B.  The one who likes Volkswagen
  C.  The one who likes Maruti
  D.  The one who likes Tata Motors
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The one who likes Tata Motors

89. Which of the following statement is true?
  A.  C likes BMW and sits second to the one who likes Tata Motors
  B.  B likes Volkswagen and sits opposite to D
  C.  E faces Center and sits third to the right of the one who likes Tata Motors
  D.  Both (A) and (C)
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Both (A) and (C) statements are true.

90. Four of the five among the following are similar in such a way to form a group, which one of the following doesn’t belongs to the group?
  A.  The one who like Maruti and A
  B.  The one who likes Ford and E
  C.  The one who likes BMW and B
  D.  The one who likes Ford and E
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The one who like Maruti and A

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