Directions (Questions 281 to 285): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

There are eight persons seated in two rows. In row I – Atul, Brat, Crook and Dispy are seated who all are facing south. In row II – Prady, Quim, Raxy and Simon are seated who all are facing north. These eight persons reads different newspapers – TOI, The Tribune, Economic Times, Indian Express, The Hindu, Hindustan Times, Financial Express and Business Standard but not necessarily in the same order. In the seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces one of the members of the other row. Crook is seating second to the right of the person who reads Business Standard. Raxy is an immediate neighbor of the person who faces the one who reads Business Standard. Only one person sits between Raxy and the one who reads Indian Express. The immediate neighbor of the one who reads Indian Express faces the one who reads Economic Times. The one who reads TOI faces the one who reads Hindustan Times. Raxy is not the one who reads Hindustan Times. P is not the one who reads Indian Express and he does not face the one who reads Business Standard. Quim faces the one who reads The Hindu. The one who faces Simon is sitting at the position which is immediate left of Atul. Brat is not sitting at any of the extreme ends of the line. The one who reads Business Standard does not face the one who reads The Tribune.

281. Who is sitting opposite to person who reads Indian express?
  A.  Dispy
  B.  Person who reads Economic times
  C.  Atul
  D.  Simon
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282. How many people sitting between Atul and Dispy?
  A.  Four
  B.  Two
  C.  Three
  D.  One
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283. Who is sitting in the extreme end of the north facing row?
  A.  Prady, Raxy
  B.  Crook, Dispy
  C.  Prady, Crook
  D.  Prady, Dispy
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284. Person who reads Times of India is an immediate neighbour of ?
  A.  Dispy
  B.  person who reads Financial express
  C.  person who reads Business standard
  D.  Quim
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person who reads Financial express

285. Who is sitting second to the right of one who reads Economic times?
  A.  Brat
  B.  Prady
  C.  Simon
  D.  None of these
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None of these

Directions (Questions 286 to 290) : The following questions are based on the information given below:

Twelve friends are sitting in two parallel lines. There are 6 people in each row and sitting facing a person of other row. In row 1, A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of them are facing south. In row 2, P, Q, R, S, T and O are seated and all of them are facing north, but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them knows different languages , viz Arabic, Chinese, Urdu, Persian, Russian, Latin, Japanese, Malay, Dutch, Italian, French and Spanish, but not necessarily in the same order. C, who knows Russian, sits third to the left of B. C is not an immediate neighbour of either E or A. P, who knows French, sits third to the right of S. Neither P nor S sits at the extreme ends of any row. E, who knows Arabic, faces the one who knows Malay. F, who knows Urdu, faces O, who sits second to the left of T and does not know Persian . T is not an immediate neighbour of S. Only two people sit between Q and T, who know Spanish and Dutch respectively. D, knows neither Chinese nor Persian who sits on the immediate right of the person who knows Russian. A, who knows Latin, does not face R. The one who knows Italian sits second to the left of the person who faces the one who knows Urdu.

286. Who knows Malay language?
  A.  R
  B.  Q
  C.  P
  D.  S
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287. A is related to Q and Urdu is related to French in a certain way. In the same way Arabic is related to
  A.  Chinese
  B.  Malay
  C.  Italian
  D.  Spanish
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288. Who is facing the one who is sitting second to the left of the one who likes Chinese?
  A.  The one who knows Russian
  B.  The one who likes Latin
  C.  B
  D.  C
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The one who likes Latin

289. B likes which language?
  A.  Urdu
  B.  Dutch
  C.  Spanish
  D.  Persian
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290. Which of the following pairs is sitting at the extreme ends?
  A.  E, A
  B.  C, S
  C.  R, C
  D.  P, E
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R, C

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