Directions (Questions 241 to 245): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

There are eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H sitting in a row. Four of them are facing north and four of them facing south but not necessary in the same order. H sits to the immediate right of A. F faces north and sits fourth to the right of H. B is an immediate neighbor of A. F sits one of the extreme ends of the row. E sits second to the left of H. C sits second to the right of D. D is not an immediate neighbor of H. A faces the same direction as F faces. The immediate neighbours of E are facing opposite direction to E. B faces north direction.

241. Who sits fourth to right of B?
  A.  E
  B.  H
  C.  C
  D.  D
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E sits fourth to right of B.

242. Who sits immediate left of H?
  A.  D
  B.   B
  C.  A
  D.  C
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C sits immediate left of H.

243. How many persons sit between B and E?
  A.  One
  B.  Two
  C.  Three
  D.  Four
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Three persons sit between B and E.

244. Who sits to the immediate left of the person who sits second to the right of A?
  A.  G
  B.  D
  C.  H
  D.  E
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E sits to the immediate left of the person who sits second to the right of A.

245. Which of the following pairs sits extreme end of the row?
  A.  F,D
  B.  F,E
  C.  F,C
  D.  C,D
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F,D sits extreme end of the row.

Directions (Questions 246 to 250) : The following questions are based on the information given below:

Eight people sitting in two parallel rows facing each other. Each row contains five seats and one of the seat is vacant. No two vacant seats in the each row facing each other. In Row-1, A, B, C and D are seated and facing north, while In Row-2, P, Q, R and S are seated and facing south. All the given information is not necessary in the same order. D sits third to the right of vacant seat. Only one seat is between A and C, who neither faces S nor faces P. R sits second to the left of vacant seat. Only one person sits between S and Q, who does not faces A. Only one person sits between A and B. P does not faces D.

246. Who among the following person faces P?
  A.  B
  B.  C
  C.  Vacant
  D.  A
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P faces Vacant seat.

247. Four among the following five are alike in a certain way based on the arrangement. Find the one who does not belong to the group?
  A.  A
  B.  S
  C.  P
  D.  R
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P does not belong to the group.

248. How many seats are there between A and D?
  A.  Two
  B.  One
  C.  Four
  D.  Three
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Three seats are there between A and D.

249. Who among the following person faces the person who sits second to the right of A?
  A.   P
  B.   Q
  C.  S
  D.  Vacant
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Vacant seat.

250. Who among the following person faces B?
  A.  Q
  B.  P
  C.  S
  D.  R
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Q faces B.

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