Directions (Questions 23 to 27) : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it :
(i) Eight persons E, F, G, H, I, J, K and L are seated around a square table two on each side.
(ii) There are three lady members and they are not seated next to each other.
(iii) J is between L and F.
(iv) G is between I and F.
(v) H, a lady member, is second to the left of J.
(vi) F, a male member is seated opposite E, a lady member.
(vii) There is a lady member between F and I.

31. Who among the following is seated between E and H ?
  A.  F
  B.  I
  C.  J
  D.  None of these
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32. How many persons are seated between K and F ?
  A.  One
  B.  Two
  C.  Three
  D.  None of these
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33. Who among the following are the three lady members ?
  A.   E, G and J
  B.  G, H and J
  C.  E, H and G
  D.  None of these
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34. Who among the following is to the immediate left of F ?
  A.  G
  B.  I
  C.  J
  D.  None of these
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35. Which of the following is true about J ?
  A.  J is a male member.
  B.  J is a female member
  C.  Sex of J cannot be determined.
  D.  Position of J cannot be determined
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Directions (Questions 36-37) : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow :
A. B, C, D, E and F are seated in a circle facing the centre. D is between F and B. A is second to the left of D and second to the right of E.

36. Who is facing A?
  A.  B
  B.  D
  C.  F
  D.  Either F or B
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37. Who among the following is facing D?
  A.  E
  B.  C
  C.  A
  D.  None of these
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38. In a March Past, seven persons are standing in a row. Q is standing left to R but right to P. O is standing right to N and left to P. Similarly, S is standing right to R and left to T. Find out who is standing in the middle.
  A.  P
  B.  Q
  C.  R
  D.  O
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Mr. A, Miss B, Mr. C and Miss D are sitting around a table and discussing their trades.
(1) Mr. A sits opposite to cook.
(2) Miss B sits right to the barber
(3) The washerman is on the left of the tailor.
(4) Miss D sits opposite Mr. C.

39. What are the trades of A and B 2
  A.  Tailor and Barber
  B.  Barber and Cook
  C.  Tailor and Cook
  D.  Washerman and Cook
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40. Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a closed circle facing the centre. A is facing D. C is between A and B. F is between E and A. Who is to the immediate left of B ?
  A.  E
  B.  A
  C.  D
  D.  C
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