Directions (Questions 36 to 38) : Study the given information carefully and answer the questions that follow:
(i) There are seven books one each on Psychology, Hindi, English, Sociology, Economics, Education and Accountancy, lying on a table one above the other.
(ii) Sociology is on the top of all the books.
(iii) Accountancy is immediately below Education which is immediately below Sociology.
(iu) Economics is immediately above Psychology but not in the middle.
(w) Hindi is immediately below Psychology.

41. Economics is between which of the following books ?
  A.  Accountancy and Education
  B.  English and Psychology
  C.  Psychology and Hindi
  D.  Psychology and Sociology
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42. Which three books are between Accountancy and Hindi ?
  A.  English, Economics and Psychology
  B.  Economics, Psychology and Education
  C.  Economics, Psychology and Hindi
  D.  None of these
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43. If Sociology and English, Accountancy and Hindi and Education and Psychology inter- change their positions, which book will be between Psychology and Sociology ?
  A.  Accountancy
  B.  Economics
  C.  Psychology
  D.  Hindi
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Directions (Questions 28-29) : On the basis of the information given below, answer the two questions.
(A) P, Q, R, S and T are sitting in a circle facing the centre.
(B) R is immediate left of T.
(C) P is between S and T.

44. Who is to the immediate left of R ?
  A.  P
  B.  Q
  C.  S
  D.  T
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45. To find the answer to the above question, which of the following statements can be dispensed with ?
  A.  B only
  B.  C only
  C.  B or C only
  D.  None
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Eight friends A, B, C, D. E, F. G and H are sitting in a circle facing the centre. B is sitting between G and D. H is third to the left of B and second to the right of A C is sitting between A and G and B and E are not sitting opposite to each other.

46. Who is third to the left of D ?
  A.  F
  B.  A
  C.  F
  D.  None of these
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47. Which of the foliowing statements is not correct ?
  A.  C is third to the right of D
  B.  A is sitting between C and F
  C.  D and A are sitting opposite of each other
  D.  E is sitting between F and D
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48. In a pile of reading material, there are novels, story-books, dramas and comics. Every novel has a drama next to it. every story-book has a comic next to it and there is no story-book next to a novel, If there be a novel at the top and the number of books be 40, the order of the books in the pile is:
  A.  nscd
  B.  ndsc
  C.  csdn
  D.  dnes
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49. A group of eight members sit in a circle. D is between A and F and is opposite to G. E is to the right of A but on the left of C, whose right hand neighbour is sG. B enjoys having H to his left and F to his right. Find the member who is diagonally opposite to A.
  A.  B
  B.  F
  C.  G
  D.  H
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50. In a shop, the items were arranged in a shelf consisting of six rows. Biscuits are arranged above the tins of chocolates but below the rows of packets of chips, cakes are at the bottom and the bottles of peppermints are below the chocolates The topmost row had the display of jam bottles. Where exactly are the bottles of peppermints ? Mention the place from the top.
  A.  2nd
  B.  3rd
  C.  4th
  D.  5th
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